Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many people will my cake feed?
A: The short answer is it depends on how big you cut your cake pieces!
Traditionally, a "wedding" serving is 1"x 1", whereas a "party" serving is 1"x 2".
Here is a standard chart for cake servings:
Q: Why are your cakes so much more expensive than an in-store bakery?
A: I scratch make all my baked goods with recipes I have tested and tweaked to make them the very best that I can. I use real butter, fresh cream, fresh fruits (when available). Also, my cakes are all different! Even if I were to try to duplicate a cake, there would be small differences. ​
Q: How should I take care of my cake after delivery or pickup?
A: Pick up and carry the cake box from the bottom only
Keep the cake level at all times! Including transport and refrigeration
Transport your cake in a cool environment, on the floorboard of your car if possible
Store your cake in the fridge in it's box for protection
Keep away from direct sunlight, moisture and heat when not in the fridge
Take your cake out of the fridge 2 hours before serving
Make sure to use a cake stand that is slightly larger than your cake
Refrigerate any leftovers